NEFFA urgently needs volunteers!

Dear NEFFA Community,

NEFFA is a volunteer festival. With just a few exceptions, everything that you see was set up by, run by and will be taken away by our stalwart volunteers. NEFFA needs you! Even if you are able to pay for the full festival, even if you only have a couple of hours available, even if you can only do a job that allow you to stay seated, we need you.

If you had thought about attending and volunteering, but are daunted by transportation to Marlborough, or by the cost of a hotel room, please see who’s offering rides and rooms, or reach out to us if you can’t find anything suitable. 

We will help you solve that problem. We can help with carpools and even with room shares at the hotels. If you have a friend who might be interested, please forward this message to them.

The Sound team particularly needs 

  • Experienced sound engineers
  • People with their own vehicles OR people who can rent a Uhaul van (paid by NEFFA) to transport sound gear to the Festival Friday morning and away from the Festival on Sunday evening. 
  • There are still a few openings for sound beginners as well!

There are openings in the General team for 

  • Setup at the hotel on Thursday and Friday: Unload vehicles, set up tables, lay dance floors, and more.
  • Strike at the hotel on Sunday evening: take everything that belongs to NEFFA out of the hotel and trade center and load into vehicles.
  • And more!

You can sign up at
And yes, you can select the hours you’re available and the jobs you’re willing to do.
This is YOUR festival. Please sign up so it can be the kind of festival we all want it to be.

Thank you,

Jonathan Young, President  
Beth Kevles, Sound Chair 
Susan Crocker, Volunteer Chair 

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