Festival Site

Our 2024 Festival at the Royal Plaza Hotel and Trade Center was a success, and we look forward to another wonderful event in this venue in 2025. There will be an updated map here soon.

About the Venue and Program Spaces

Distance between the front entrances of the Trade Center and the Hotel is 1100 feet (0.2 mi). Our test walkers report that it’s a 5-7 minute walk at a leisurely pace, less if you hustle. 

Festival dance spaces include a large dance hall in the Trade Center and two ballrooms and two smaller dance halls in the Hotel. Dance performances will be held in the larger ballroom. All large dance spaces have good dance floors. 

Folk Music and Song spaces include a large outdoor tent near the Trade Center, a lecture-style seminar room with tiered seating and A/V for livestreaming in the Hotel, and a series of hotel conference rooms. 

There will also be both indoor and outdoor spaces for informal jamming.

The outdoor area for Morris and ritual dance is just outside the Trade Center, in a large asphalt parking lot. The area is near the food trucks and the Trade Center tent, and that section of the parking lot will be closed to vehicular traffic. In case of rain, ritual dance will move inside to the Trade Center.


Large print grids are available in the Lobby and at the Information Table, both in the Hotel. Please contact Information if you need assistance with access to a program or activity.

The entire site is accessible by wheelchair. Accessible parking is available at the Festival site in front of the Hotel and the Trade Center. Additional locations will be clearly marked.

There is a shuttle bus that runs continuously between the Hotel and the Trade Center. While the bus does have steps and is not wheelchair-accessible, it is accessible by passengers using canes or assistive devices, or with collapsible (umbrella-type) strollers.

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