In 2023, the NEFFA Webteam reviewed usage of the NEFFA website and learned that over half of our users access the site from their cellphones or other mobile devices. We also noted that the site had not been refreshed since well before the pandemic, and some of the under-the-hood components were becoming challenging to maintain and upgrade.
We addressed these concerns for our 80th anniversary with a refreshed website with an improved mobile experience, better accessibility, and easier maintenance so we can continue to publish content quickly and easily for over 30 NEFFA committees. We are proud to launch our new site on January 15, a month ahead of schedule!
The project team included the webteam (Lynn Noel and Lori Fassman, co-chairs; Mieke Citroen, communications and content manager; Seth Seeger, development and system administration) and Board members Dina Flockhart, Dan Pearl, Jonathan Young, Janet Yeracaris, and Taylor Yeracaris who acted as internal reviewers and testers.
We look forward to celebrating our 80th anniversary with a fresh web presence that will support us for the next 3-5 years and make future updates easier to deliver. Please check out our new website on your phone or tablet!