Even if you cannot come to NEFFA, the Festival will come to you! Registration is now open for the Festival livestream from the Seminar Room. Register now at https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZMod-uoqDMuHtAsvGY-b07udYtRi2KSHhnh for a personalized link to the Zoom meeting that will run throughout the Festival. This will be the same link for all three days.
Seminar Room concerts will be broadcast Friday 7-10pm, Saturday 11am-9pm, and Sunday 11am-4pm. Check out the schedule at https://www.neffa.org/festival-schedule/ and don’t forget the NEFFA Annual General Meeting at 2:00pm on Sunday in the Seminar Room!
There is no charge for the NEFFA livestream, though donations are always welcome at www.neffa.org. There is a DONATE link in the footer at the bottom of every NEFFA web page.
For best results, please review our Online Rules of the Road before attending the livestream. We look forward to bringing the Festival to you!